Leafsong’s Diary 8.8

Last night was the second stressful night I’ve had this week. As I told my mate indignantly last night: it’s a good thing I’m not pregnant (unusual state of affairs!!), because I certainly wouldn’t have been any more.

My husband went to Winterspring last night with his unit (now renamed the Thousand-brained Kitten. Or something) to sort out a prison riot. Unfortunately, they were not prepared for the scale of the revolt, and were thoroughly trounced. My husband will have a few new scars to add to his collection. Even I got knocked unconscious at one point (don’t ask me why I was there, I don’t even remember properly. I think that I was annoyed that husband had failed to turn up to help with baby’s bathtime, and had gone to bellow at him.) So to sum it up, their prison complex was blown to bits, and they expended nearly all their air weaponry to deal with it. I don’t even want to know how much it all cost. If it was enough to make my mate grit his teeth, it would have been enough to give me several heart attacks.

You might be surprised that I haven’t kept up the husband-bashing theme. I just can’t stay cross with him; especially after last night. In a battle situation, my mate is renowned for his coolness, his calmness, his icy composure under fire. Even under the most tense situations, he will continue to use his weapons methodologically, operating them with skill and ease. But last night, when the mad draenei fired at me (they always go for me. Why? Why go for the unarmed, unskilled one?) and I began to slump to the ground; the last thing that I saw was my husband drop his weapon, letting out an animalistic howl of disbelief and rage, and physically leap onto the Draenei, clawed gauntlets aiming for the eyes. How better could he show his love for me, as his mate, as the mother of his children? How can I ask for any more than that?

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Qirane said,

    Aphel needs to calm down imo :O dude is gonna have a coronary

  2. 2

    Sharaan said,

    Aphel and Leaf are cute 🙂

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